Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
Read on to learn all you can about how adapt to the new SCA
and make your business results improve in the process!
How to improve your conversion rate in the new SCA environment?
Do you want to increase your conversion rate after applying the new SCA guidelines? These are a few recommendations that will help you go in the right direction:
- Ask cardholders for whitelisting (PayXpert payment page, merchant’s website pages or merchant’s payment page -provided the merchant is not already using PayXpert’s Payment Page)
- Request to be included in Visa and MasterCard whitelists
- Send more information in transaction fields to receive issuers exemption from-SCA (Issuer TRA):
For an optimized frictionless payment process, here is a non-exhaustive list of the fields that really might help the scoring (apart for compulsory fields):
- Billing address (town, country, number…)
- Delivery address (town, country, number)
- Merchant fraud score (if you have one)
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Name of the payer
- useragent (IP, OS, version, resolution, language etc)
- IP address
FAQs About the SCA implementation
Transactions outside the scope of SCA:
- Merchant-Initiated Transactions (MIT) and Direct Debits
- Telephone orders or in writing via fax or order form (MOTO)
- Cross-border transactions where either the issuer or the acquirer is not located within the European Economic Area (EEA)
- Purchases using anonymous payment methods, such as anonymous prepaid cards

Our Account managers will support you in the process of integrating Digital Payments Solutions to allow the best experience to your future Customers.