Payment methods

Discover all the payment methods PayXpert supports

Our payment methods

International Payment Schemes

American Express

American Express Accepted in more than 130 countries, with over 100 million cards in use, American Express (Amex),...

See International Payment

Carte Bancaire

CB or Groupement des cartes bancaires CB, is France’s national interbank network. CB Offers VISA and MasterCard branded...

See International Payment


Payment methods With more than 30 issuers and more than 70 million cardholders in North America, Discover is...

See International Payment


JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. Its...

See International Payment


mastercard As one of the largest card schemes globally, Mastercard dominates the co-branded credit card market in Europe,...

See International Payment

Union Pay

Union Pay  is the only interbank network in Mainland China, East and Southeast Asia, and the biggest card...

See International Payment


Visa  is the largest global card network in the world in terms of transaction value, and the dominant...

See International Payment

Alternative Payment Methods (APM)


Alipay Developed by the International Business Group of Ant Group, Alipay+ provides global cross-border mobile payment solutions which...

See Alternative Payment Method

Apple Pay

Apple Pay Provide secure, fast and simple checkout experiences to delight your shoppers both online and in-store. Grow...

See Alternative Payment Method


Bancontact Bancontact is the most common card in Belgium thanks to its security transactions. Over 50 % of...

See Alternative Payment Method


Giropay is a popular real-time bank transfer payment  method in Germany that integrates more than 1,500 German banks....

See Alternative Payment Method


Trustly  operates in 17 countries and allows customers to send money from their bank account  to the merchant’s...

See Alternative Payment Method

WeChat Pay

WeChat Pay  is the most used social network and mobile application in China. Its main purpose is to...

See Alternative Payment Method

Easily add any payment method to your checkout

Enjoy a complete set of tools and use the same technology as the world’s leading brands to accept in-store and online payment methods. You’ll be up and running in minutes with quick and easy integration and experience a seamless, highly-converting, and secure checkout.

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How to integrate local payment methods

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